LCD vs OLED for Gaming Monitors

March 17, 2022


Gamers require fast, responsive, and vibrant displays in order to have an immersive gaming experience. The display technology used in gaming monitors significantly affects image quality and performance. The two main technologies used in modern monitors are Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technologies. In this post, we will compare the capabilities of these two display technologies to determine which is best for gaming.

Refresh Rate

Refresh rate refers to the number of times a monitor refreshes the image on the screen per second. It is an important factor for gamers as it impacts how smooth the picture appears. While OLED monitors support a maximum refresh rate of 120Hz, some high-end LCD monitors support refresh rates of up to 240Hz, providing smoother and more responsive gameplay.

Winner: LCD

Response Time

Response time is the speed at which a pixel changes from one color to another. A low response time is important for fast-action games as it minimizes the appearance of motion blur. OLED has an advantage over LCD as it does not require a backlight, enabling it to change color more quickly, resulting in a lower response time. OLED monitors have a response time of around 0.1ms, while the typical response time of an LCD monitor is around 1ms.

Winner: OLED

Contrast Ratio

Contrast ratio refers to the difference between the brightest and darkest parts of the image on the screen. A higher contrast ratio produces a more vibrant and dynamic image with more detail in the shadows and highlights. OLED panels have a high contrast ratio due to their ability to turn off individual pixels, resulting in an infinite contrast ratio. In contrast, LCD does not have this capability, resulting in a lower contrast ratio.

Winner: OLED


Burn-in is the phenomenon where an image becomes permanently etched into the display, causing a ghost-like image effect. Burn-in is more common with OLED displays than LCD and can occur when displaying static images for prolonged periods. However, modern OLED monitors have implemented features such as pixel shifting to prevent burn-in. LCD monitors are not susceptible to burn-in.

Winner: LCD

Power Efficiency

Power efficiency is an essential factor for gaming monitors as it can impact electricity and cooling costs. OLED monitors have an inherent advantage over LCD monitors as they only illuminate the pixels required for the image, resulting in lower power consumption. Typically, OLED monitors use 30%-40% less power than LCD monitors.

Winner: OLED


Overall, OLED offers superior image quality and color response, making it ideal for gamers that prioritize display quality over other factors. However, when considering factors such as refresh rate, burn-in, and power efficiency, LCD remains a viable option. Ultimately, the ideal display for gaming will depend on individual preferences and priorities.


  1. "OLED vs. LCD: What's the Difference, and Does It Matter?" by Chris Welch - The Verge, 2020.
  2. "OLED vs LCD: which is the better display technology?" by Matt Hanson - TechRadar, 2021.

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